2021 Q4 Impact Awards

Dear 100 CTC Community - my apologies for such a delayed recap of our Q4 event, but with the holiday season in full swing, I hope this email finds you well and energizes your sense of purpose heading into 2022

First and foremost, I want to share a huge thank you to each of you for your willingness to support the mission of 100 CTC and to continue to use your businesses as a vehicle for positively impacting our community.

In Q4 we had another spectacular event that was well attended, mostly due to excellent virtual attendance! And as is always the case, we heard from 3 wonderful charities. With the winner of the majority grant being Boys Hope Girls Hope. We are excited to hear from them again in Q1 for the Impact award!

Additional things to note from our most recent meeting is the launch of our new website!!!!!! HUGE thanks to 454 Creative for their support in this, and as always - if you're a member of 100 CTC and have digital marketing needs to support your business, we recommend reaching out to them!

We also spotlighted the book "Doing Good Better" by William MacAskill as recommended reading. This book is a fantastic, thought-provoking book on how to be more EFFECTIVE in how we give/serve. As a member of 100 CTC, you're already doing something!! And we encourage our community to continue to push and grow in that regard.

And then last but not least, just as a reminder of all the amazing organizations we've had the opportunity to hear from in 2021, below is a list of all the charities by quarter, including the winners!






2022 Q1 Impact Awards


2021 Q3 Impact