2022 Q1 Impact Awards

Dear 100 CTC Community!

As is always the case, we had a great event on Thursday 2/24 - where we heard from 3 more incredible organizations that are doing some really amazing work in the community!

We heard from Bithia's Family Services, Child Creativity Lab, and Girls Inc of Orange County. And I'm excited to announce that the majority grant went to Bithia's Family Services!! The support they are offering foster youth in Orange County is absolutely inspiring, and I would definitely recommend connecting with them for additional ways to get involved if you feel that their mission resonated with you!

Additionally, it was SO rewarding to hear the stories from our Impact Award winner for last quarter: Boys Hope Girls Hope. I hope knowing that 100 CTC was able to be a small part of the success stories of so many homeless youth reinforces your commitment to being one of the companies that CARE.

Another exciting opportunity for you and your teams to give back is through the recycling program with Child Creativity Lab. I've attached two of the handouts she provided that give more info on the types of items they accept. But I would also recommend reaching out to Tracey Hill (traceyhill@childcreativitylab.org) about whether or not they can repurpose some of the consumables that your company throws away!!

And last thing.... please don't forget to set you Amazon accounts to contribute to a local charity through the Amazon Smile program!! Simply order through https://smile.amazon.com/ instead of the regular website, and it will automatically start generating donations for the charity of your choice!! And it DOES work with an Amazon business account.

I look forward to seeing you at our next quarterly event on May 26th (invite to follow) where we will hear from 3 more amazing nonprofits and hopefully get to meet some of the new members joining our community!


2022 Q2 Impact Awards


2021 Q4 Impact Awards